Su di me

Hi! I am the one they call Nobody. This one guy… with the creative… ah whatever! Nobody cares! Some months ago my former boss planted the thought in my head that photography can be exiting. At first I just laughed at him. Now look at that! I got a profile on “fotocommunity. com”. I love exploring lost places as well as I love playing with lights. So these are the main topics that I am focusing on. I am shooting with a Canon 1200D and the editing is done on an iPad with Lightroom and Pixlr. Apart from here I upload all my pictures to Instagram under the name “@nobodydoesphotography”. I am from Cologne, Germany, I was born in 1996 and I currently am in an apprenticeship as an IT-Administrator. Enough from my side. Enjoy your stay!


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Ricevuti / Dati


  • Fotografo/a (principiante)
  • Designer di immagini
  • Interessato/a di fotografia