Le mie migliori foto
Su di me
Welcome on my Profil.
Even if I stand rarely behind the camera,then my friends very often photograph,
me with the work,in the vacations,and in the life.
Most photos were made by friends,and for people the close to me to stand,or also close stood.
There is candid photographs by events and Memory`s always in my memory
embodied is.The small and beautiful moments in the life record that I would like it my pictures even if it not perfectly and of perfection am at all far distant,then show it all small part of me and my world like I it see nevertheless.Much pleasure with regard the pictures.
=We`re Not Gonna Take it=
Even if I stand rarely behind the camera,then my friends very often photograph,
me with the work,in the vacations,and in the life.
Most photos were made by friends,and for people the close to me to stand,or also close stood.
There is candid photographs by events and Memory`s always in my memory
embodied is.The small and beautiful moments in the life record that I would like it my pictures even if it not perfectly and of perfection am at all far distant,then show it all small part of me and my world like I it see nevertheless.Much pleasure with regard the pictures.
=We`re Not Gonna Take it=
Emotional Life Photography 29/05/2009 8:40
Hallööööschen!!!!Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Spass beim Fotografieren und immer gut Licht....
Liebe Grüße
*isa ;-) aus Bornheim
Harald Breidert 08/10/2007 21:03
Hallo SteffenIch möchte Dich herzlich willkommen heißen bei Fotocommunity.
Hier bist du richtig, wenn Du süchtig nach tollen Fotos werden willst.
Ich wünsche Dir alle Zeit schön Bilder und viele Anmerkungen zu Deinen Bilden.
Wenn du möchtest, dass andere User Deine Bilder besuchen, schreibe ihnen eine Anmerkung zu ihren Bildern oder ihrem Profil. Auch kannst du Bilder, die Dir gut gefallen in die Galerie voten oder bewerten.
LG Harald