Be Yourself

Free Account, Erfurt

Su di me

Just a star

The only thing,
She’d living for,
Was singing.
Her dream came true,
But she couldn’t live it.

In November 2oo1
She was on tour.
Her voice was

She was
A singer,
A wife,
A friend.

“Tomorrow is not
promised to anyone.
So live each day
As it were your last”,
She said.
Three hours later
She was death.

Friends and Fans
Are crying for her.
They said
“She was an angel
from heaven sent.”

Only memories
Can make her alive.
For us,
The Fans.

Everybody knows her songs.
Everybody could sing it.
Everybody knows her voice.
But nobody can sing
Like her.

She was at
The beginning of all.
Of her dream,
Of her life
Of her love.

She will be never
Her songs are a
Part of all music.
Her songs are speaking
For all.

The meaning of:
Melanie Thornton

Commenti 5

  • Charlene Dimigou 01/10/2005 11:31

    einige echt nette Fotos hast du. Gefallen mir wirklich gut.

    Grüße aus Lünen
  • Flow Flow 07/12/2004 19:29

    Ich glaube, dich kenne ich irgendwoher - aber pssst.
  • Céline Rudolph 07/12/2004 18:30

    Bonjour, bonjour! :]
    Und auf ein Neues...äh ein neues Bild! +lächel+
  • Reiner Sch. 05/12/2004 9:58

    ein herzliches Willkommen hier in der "FC-Gemeinde".
    Wünsche dir viel Freude und allezeit gutes Licht.
    Es wäre schön, wenn du auch mal bei mir "vorbeischaust".
    Kritik oder Anmerkungen zu meinen Fotos sind immer willkommen.
    Gruss Reiner
  • Thomas Raschen 04/12/2004 19:48

    Erstmal ein


    in der FC von mir.
    Ich wünsch Dir noch ganz viel Spaß hier in der Community und immer gut Licht.

    Thomas aus Münster
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