
Free Account, Biedenkopf

Su di me

Life is called sign without rubber.
The more exactly you plan,
the harder the destiny meets you.
One can understand the life backward
however, one must live it forward.
Vantage point not on the big miracle, otherwise
if you miss many little ones. Each of us is able
decide every day anew,
To become a part of the solution or part
Of problem.
Only who dares to go too far,
can find out where his borders are.
Besides, the mind can say us,
from what we should omit
but the heart can say us what we do
have to go.
Most seriously in the life one learns,
which bridges one use and which one
should break off. The art does not lie
in it
to agree what one wants,
but to want it still if one it
already has!!!
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