helo gabi, how are you, my grand grand mother was maria janezko and she had a brother in germany, i would like to know if maria janeztko or some brother (anton,barbara,,joseph or maximilian) are related with you or somebody of your family, I would like to know if you can tell me something about this possibiltiy.....herzlich grusse.... tomas martin maffoni wedeltoft from argentina.
Hallo Gabi,
na dann kanns ja jetzt richtig losgehn. Wann stellst du denn die ersten Bildle rein? Das Profilfoto bekommst du von mir (aber nur wenn du möchtest). : )
Gaanz liebes Grüßle
uhps-cam 30/06/2008 9:25
Na das geht ja super los! Sehr schöne Fernost Fotos zeigst Du uns. LG, Ullitomas martin maffoni 09/06/2008 0:34
I tomas again is maria janetzko, not janezko, sorry I tip wrong,tomas martin maffoni 09/06/2008 0:26
helo gabi, how are you, my grand grand mother was maria janezko and she had a brother in germany, i would like to know if maria janeztko or some brother (anton,barbara,,joseph or maximilian) are related with you or somebody of your family, I would like to know if you can tell me something about this possibiltiy.....herzlich grusse.... tomas martin maffoni wedeltoft from argentina.Götz Mannchen 21/03/2007 11:15
Erster !!!!!!!Hallo Gabi,
na dann kanns ja jetzt richtig losgehn. Wann stellst du denn die ersten Bildle rein? Das Profilfoto bekommst du von mir (aber nur wenn du möchtest). : )
Gaanz liebes Grüßle