Su di me
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I was born on 12 September 1986 and raised up in a small village in Germany. I was all my life interested in the different kinds of art and so I made my advanced technical college entrance qualification -specialisation Design in 2006 at the Willy-Brandt-School in Gießen. During this years I get in touch the first time with professional photography. From 2006 till June 2009 I made an education as a mediadesigner in a small printing office. This was the time I bought my Digital SLR Camera from Canon ( EOS 400D).
Since July 2009 I run my own buisness „ Kiara Black Photography“ and in August 2009 I won the „Best Portrait Photographer Award“ at
I was featured two times in Photography Monthly Magazin ( May 09 and September 09) and on Magnus Online.
I'm exhibit at Photokina 2010
Canon Rebel XTi ( EOS400d)
Sigma lens 55-200mm
Sigma lens 18-350mm
ALL of my works and content on this page & gallery are under copyright law. You CANNOT save, download, use the pictures for layouts, blogs, websites, myspace, banners, designs, posters, cd, books etc. WITHOUT accessing a license from me.
My work is NO stock photography.
If you see my work being used, please e-mail/message me straight away.
Please respect copyrights.
for my photo here:
I was born on 12 September 1986 and raised up in a small village in Germany. I was all my life interested in the different kinds of art and so I made my advanced technical college entrance qualification -specialisation Design in 2006 at the Willy-Brandt-School in Gießen. During this years I get in touch the first time with professional photography. From 2006 till June 2009 I made an education as a mediadesigner in a small printing office. This was the time I bought my Digital SLR Camera from Canon ( EOS 400D).
Since July 2009 I run my own buisness „ Kiara Black Photography“ and in August 2009 I won the „Best Portrait Photographer Award“ at
I was featured two times in Photography Monthly Magazin ( May 09 and September 09) and on Magnus Online.
I'm exhibit at Photokina 2010
Canon Rebel XTi ( EOS400d)
Sigma lens 55-200mm
Sigma lens 18-350mm
ALL of my works and content on this page & gallery are under copyright law. You CANNOT save, download, use the pictures for layouts, blogs, websites, myspace, banners, designs, posters, cd, books etc. WITHOUT accessing a license from me.
My work is NO stock photography.
If you see my work being used, please e-mail/message me straight away.
Please respect copyrights.
Anja Birkholz 05/10/2009 18:03
Hi, sehr schöne Bilder zeigst du hier und dein Portrait Bild ist klasse. Sehr ausdruckstark.Liebe GRüße Anja
Lefkes 18/06/2008 13:51
Hallo,bin heute zufällig über Dein Profi gestolpert. Das wenige was Du uns zeigst finde ich richtig gut. Hab Dich mal auf Orange gestellt. Zeig ruhig mehr, Du kannst es doch.
Wibke Freund 08/01/2008 19:13
Hi, hi, du bist also auch hier…Noch eine Galerie mehr zum durchwühlen…
Ich klick dich mal orange…
Die Wibke
Bianka Seidel 28/05/2007 15:19
herzlich willkommen im fc.wünsche dir viele anmerkungen,
anregungen und nette kontakte!
lg bianka
Die Rakotzbrücke im Kromlauer Park oder im Volksmund "Teufelsbrücke"
Bianka SeidelEmotional Life Photography 26/05/2007 9:12
hiund herzlich willkommen in der bunten welt der fc ;-)
ich wünsche dir viel spass und immer schöne bilder
viele liebe grüße
*isa :-)
Andreas Höschel 26/05/2007 8:49
Willkommen in der FC KiaraIch hoffe du findest dich hier schnell zurecht
und machst noch ein Par interessante Bilder.
Gruß Andi
Sebastian Kobel 25/05/2007 17:27
hallo kiaraherzlich willkommen in der fotocommunity, zur Begrüßung schicke ich Dir mal 2 Links, in denen Du die Übersichten aller Bildsektionen findest.
[fc-info: Übersicht aller Sektionen der fotocommunity]
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