
Premium (Pro), Berlin

_1014428 K.

Wie die Stadt,
so die Wand.


Commenti 3

In questa foto, K. desidera ricevere feedbacks costruttivi. Siete invitati a contribuire con consigli sulla composizione della foto, tecnica, linguaggio metaforico, ecc (Si prega di rispettare la netiquette!)
  • David Arduini 29/10/2021 16:15

    Hi K, when I first started photography I would take anything because I knew I captured something on film. Then I start to make what was interesting more of the total image. The image you took has many separate images in it. It is very busy. To me the girl is the emotional center so I would just focus on her vertically and maybe include the ove you, you wouldn't have to include the L because it would draw on the emotional hearts strings of some one looking at the girl and sort of make a happy or sad story from it. In art you have a choice of what to include and what not to include,   Regards David.
    • K. 29/10/2021 19:25

      Vielen Dank für die Hinweise.
      Mir fällt es nicht immer leicht meine Gedanken umzusetzen.  Ich bin reiner  Autodidakt.  Von daher helfen  mir solche Tipps.

      Viele Grüße K..

      Thank you very much for the hints.
      It is not always easy for me to implement my thoughts.  I am purely self-taught.  That's why such tips help me.

      Best regards K..
    • David Arduini 29/10/2021 23:18

      I am self taught also, the biggest thing that slowed down my progression was being too careful and taking chances. I would take a photo of a train then move on. Instead of spending time with different light and angles.  One basic rule that helps is let the light help you, dont  force a photo if the conditions are bad. And the other trick is close one eye, if the image is still really cool then take. Look for the lines.