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Commenti 3

  • Sportfotodienst Stuttgart Andreas Grunwald 09/12/2011 9:37

    Hi Brad,
    as I see your little "fat boy" Saphron is also still fine. How old is he now? Hamlet became slim again in the last year and feels great. He still hunts cats and messes around with bigger dogs in order to show them, that HE is bigger, hehe... ;-)
    How are YOU? Back in Germany again?
    Best regards
    Andy & Hamlet
  • Katja Harms 25/08/2010 14:16

    PUPPY!!!! How are ya, good boy?
  • Mandy Bellmann 25/08/2010 12:21

    uhi das ist ja nen süssssssssser. Hatte auch so einen kleinen mit den Namen Ferry. Und er schaut genauso.