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90 Minutes in Munich

90 Minutes in Munich

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Premium (World), München

90 Minutes in Munich

I spent 90 minutes early this evening wandering around Munich before the World Cup Final between France and Italy - still no winner.
Here some impressions.

A group of Italians in a café in the Fünf Höfe Shopping Centre.
Three Italians looking for a giant screen.
The Munich World Cup Flag.
Some muesli bowls in an expensive shop in the Theatiner Str.
Some German football souvenirs near the Hofbräuhaus.
Dancers from many nations at the Greek Festival on Odeon Square.
A Spaniard at the Greek Festival on Odeon Square.v
A French exchange group from Le Mans, Bordeaux and Lyon - they started singing the Marseillese when I asked them to pose:-)
World Cup T-Shirts on Sale.
A Russian musician.
An Australian in the Hofbräuhaus.
A couple of kids on a lion at the Feldherrnhalle, Odeon Square, who have had enough of it all.

Commenti 7

  • KasiaDesign 10/07/2006 23:06

    Thanks, everyone. It was fun taking the shots - I met many nice people of all nations - and compiling the postcard for 9th July.
    When I asked the French kids to pose they were pretty stiff, so I said imagine France has just won and they started cheering. Then someone started singing the Marseillaise, a few knelt down and all sang from the heart. Passersby on the Munich main square stopped and cheered:-)
    The Italian guys asked me to send them the photos and the Australian was chuffed that some girl wanted to capture his chest:-)
    Quite heartwarming and fun!

    Greetings from Munich Kathryn
  • Ivan Zuliani 10/07/2006 17:50

    Grande mosaico! Sei stupenda cara Kathryn.W la fantasia.
    Tanti saluti Ivan
  • Véronique Soulier 10/07/2006 8:32

    very nice "pêle-m^le" to gather so many pic around the same theme. thanks to like this one.
    greetings Véronique
  • Wayne Tsipouras 10/07/2006 5:05

    Superb complation of images.
    Very well captured emotions and mood.
    Well done.

  • Maria João Arcanjo 10/07/2006 1:16

    Great work! Well done.
  • Jacqueline Chay 09/07/2006 23:04

    Wonderful compulation, well taken and nicely put togetther - id buy this postcard.
    Great Jackie
  • KasiaDesign 09/07/2006 22:52

    There are many Italians in my quarter and in Munich in general - Italy has won and the night air is resounding with shouting and singing, the streets are filling with people celebrating and driving into the centre to party!