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A Bhutanese man playing archery

A Bhutanese man playing archery

3.415 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

A Bhutanese man playing archery

Throughout the history of Bhutan, fire and the bow and arrow were an important means of survival in the highlands during war and on hunts. The bow and arrow play a significant role in many Bhutanese myths and legends; images of the gods holding a bow and arrows are considered especially favorable.
Archery tournaments are also very popular, but many of the participants and spectators are older Bhutanese. Archery has been practised in Bhutan for centuries, and is the only game, along with taekwondo, in which Bhutan has a chance of winning some medals at the next Olympic Games.
More description about archery I gave to my further posted pictures.

(The photo I captured with a KODACHROME slide film in April 1998 during my second tour in Bhutan. Scanned with NIKON CoolScan V ED.)

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Cartelle Tashi Delek Bhutan
Visto da 3.415


Fotocamera Nikon COOLSCAN V ED
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