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A Kiss for Uncle Wayne

A Kiss for Uncle Wayne

1.850 4

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.

A Kiss for Uncle Wayne

A Tender Moment.
Charis and a sleepy Uncle :-)
9 weeks old!

Safe and Secure
Safe and Secure
Wayne Tsipouras

Commenti 4

  • Katrin Steiner 02/10/2006 15:16

    Just cuddled with the 9-week-old son of my friend yesterday, so I can understand the fascination of babies now :-)
    There still so helpless and tiny at that age, can´t see properly, can´t really coordinate arms and legs. It really makes you wanna be there for them...
    She´s a cutie!
    Greets Kat
  • P.Kath.M 26/07/2006 6:45

    sweet foto and baby ;O) nice day ciao
  • Kirin Paterson 26/12/2005 4:37

    how cute is that! she's such a tiny little thing- and see, i knew you weren't all scary. i bet she'll have fun growing up with uncle wayne in charge.
    cheers :) kirin
  • Simone Schüpferling 16/12/2005 5:34

    Hi Wayne,
    sweet photo. How old is Charis?
    Greetz, Simone


Cartelle Family
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