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A rainy day by the lake

A rainy day by the lake

1.038 8

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

A rainy day by the lake

It started as a miserable and dark day with a persisting drizzle soaking everything around and hardly reassuring an interesting "catch".But the menacing clouds over the lake occasionally drifted apart by a light breeze and allowing a wonderful light to pierce through them, was enough to boost my mood and push me into action....
(I used the Mamiya 645 AFD II with a digital back Leaf Aptus P21(PHASE ONE) on a tripod of course as the light was minimal)

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Visto da 1.038


Fotocamera DM22
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 16
Tempo di esposizione 1/20
Distanza focale 80.0 mm
ISO 200