a surprise visitor
the hawk perched quietly and not far away
for about twenty seconds -
lots of time for a whole bunch of pictures
a surprise visitor
the hawk perched quietly and not far away
for about twenty seconds -
lots of time for a whole bunch of pictures
LoddoTeresa 14/11/2024 14:42
È una poiana?ann mari cris aschieri 09/10/2024 9:37
Grande bellezza!Peter Schillmeier 08/10/2024 16:57
SuperLG Peter
Moni R 08/10/2024 14:22
Das ist sehr gut.LG Moni
Adele D. Oliver 07/10/2024 23:37
you and the hawk surprise visitors, Robert ...splendid your close and sharp portrait of
the hawk !!!
warm regards,
JOKIST 07/10/2024 21:26
Gefällt uns von der Bildwirkung ausgesprochen gutIngrid und Hans
freespirit4 07/10/2024 18:23
Wow ... must have been a great experience. Super ...LG Konni
Dorothee 9 07/10/2024 18:13