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Aboard the Uniorn - 2

Aboard the Uniorn - 2

1.571 8

Peter Iden

Free Account, Brampton, Ontario

Aboard the Uniorn - 2

The sails did come down after a while. Then, shortly before the
end of our journey, the young sailors climbed into the rigging
and rolled them up again, standing without safety lines and
barefoot on the horizontal ropes below each sail. Incredible!

My Great-Grandfather, who sailed on one of the "Tall Ships"
when he was a young man (he died in 1942 at the age of 95),
told me of one of the sailors who fell out of the rigging onto a
spike on the deck, which pierced his chest. "As he was lying
there dying, I saw his soul leave his chest as a small white fog!"

Although I was only five years old at that time, I will always
remember his story. Our trip on the "Unicorn" was fulfilment
of my life-long dream to some day sail on a tall ship!

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