4.267 5

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Aegean Sea

Aegean Sea

Aegean Sea has been a Greek territory since the 3rd millenium BC,cradle of all the rich narrations of the greek mythology, locality of the first Cykladean civilization in 3rd millenium BC, and later of Minoan(Creta), Mycenean, Classic Greek and Macedonian one.All the greek ancient world has been "baptized" in its waters...
Aegean Sea may not always be calm, blue, glittering under sun rays and most welcoming as in summer. It can be spooky,dark fierce and hostile in long and cold wintery days...Greek seamen and fishermen have always something to tell about this!.....

The photo is at the Heraklio(Candia) harbour.

(All photos have been taken using a tripod on high speed film(6x4,5) and using a ND and red filter to menage with the strong mid-day light.Digital transition followed later with a Nikon film scanner.)

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Fotocamera NIKON D800
Obiettivo 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-6.3
Diaframma 14
Tempo di esposizione 1/320
Distanza focale 38.0 mm
ISO 400

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