alcea rosea
malve * stockrose
& spider
The parable of the mallow
He grew up where they left behind are stubs, scraps, cigarette butts, wrappers, in a word - rubbish, forgetting, perhaps, and not thinking about it - The place in which they live. A plant called Weed. But this was no ordinary weed. Slim straight stem it sometimes reaches the height of five feet. His grass-and then not bring myself to call, though he came from a family of herbaceous. Rather, it was a small tree with very beautiful, like five-pointed star - leaves.
But his chief ornament, of course, were the flowers. This bright beauty, such diversity of colors and shades were very few of his cousins. They used to be purple-red and pale pink, purple and mauve, blue, and blue ... Also unusual was the weed that flowers are not only crowned him, but also flourished, as they say, several storeys high, pleasing the eye during the summer.
I wanted to tell his Creator, creating a weed is that? The fact is that among the trash can grow an incredible beauty? Or is he there to people who saw him from afar (I guess, and a large increase has been given so), going to enjoy a closer, would have noticed the rubbish that spoils the appearance of a flower and started to clean up after themselves? One way or another, but the weed, from time immemorial to the present day dozhivshy, grows now in large areas.
In the fall, dropped last petals, a flower laid bare the seed pods as prosvirki - favorite treats birds. During the meal some seeds fell on the earth to spring up a new flower ..
Josiane FERRET 25/08/2012 16:11
magnifique avec ses fils d'argent et une belle transparence sur la fleur, j'aime beaucoupbises, Josiane
Uwe Vollmann 11/02/2012 17:16
Hallo Vera, gerade jetzt, wo es bei uns bitterkalt ist und es draußen schneit, gefallen mir diese Ausflüge in den Sommer mit so farbenfrohen Blüten ganz besonders gut!LG Uwe
dörte r. 10/02/2012 14:25
wunderschön ist dein bild, vera - licht und ein ganzes "spinnen-universum" auf der lichtdurchfluteten blüte.herzliche grüsse, dörte
Andrea Sagawe 05/02/2012 16:23
what a lovely light that shines through those fragile petals :-)andrea
jean françois biancamaria 15/01/2012 14:34
très belle lumière en contre-jour, magnifiqueamitiés
Paolo Vannucchi 02/01/2012 22:53
...bel lavoro con grande nitidezza ...complimenti !!!
Dirk Leismann 30/12/2011 17:25
Perfect sharpness and excellent light. An awesome photo.Regards,
Monika Drobez 29/12/2011 22:29
Ein ganz, ganz wunderbares Foto!L.G.
Jennifer Manzke 29/12/2011 17:38
feines Lichtdir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
Thomas Ripplinger 19/12/2011 19:11
Im Gegenlicht sieht die Blüte wunderbar aus!LG Thomas
Baby7 Rosa 13/12/2011 22:58
GOOD SHOT MY FRİENDGasser Lisbeth 05/12/2011 19:21
Une belle photo, jolie lumière !Amitiés, lisbeth
SINA 05/12/2011 8:43
auch ganz fotografiert...
fred 1199 02/12/2011 18:30
bezaubernd diese stockrose mit den spinnwebengefällt mir
und danke für
lg gerd
Bernhard Kuhlmann 01/12/2011 12:49
Eine schöne Blüte hast du hier im Gegenlicht aufgenommen !Gruß Bernd