1.651 4

Ray Steinberg

Free Account, New York


(C) Ray Steinberg

While attending a funeral for someone, as I was driving through the cemetery, I came across this large section of pure black "out of this world" tombstones, with the weirdest shapes I have ever seen. It looked like it was made out of plastic, and there were thousands of them for as far as the eye could see.
All of the names on these tombstones, looked like they were "Russian" names, although I can't be sure.
Almost everyone of these tombstones, had a different shape, and design on it.
I photographed one, up close to show you.



Commenti 4

  • Guzel Kedi 26/11/2009 14:43

    Very interesting ...
  • Stefan S. Mosley 13/09/2009 7:18

    Yes, it is definitely East European, most probably from one of the former Soviet republics. This seems to be the gravesite of two very closely-related persons, the one on the right belongs to a man, the one on the left belogs to a woman--judging by the last name endings and also by the fact that she was named after her father's name "Shalomov" and then the last name of her husband, "Baturov". However, her date of life an death are not readable in the photo and therefore I cannnot say with certainty if the two here were married or just immediate relatives.
  • Nancy Blach 06/07/2009 4:08

    Jewish candelabra and stars... I would say Russian Jewish.
  • Eva Mondkind 25/06/2009 1:34

    that really looks strange.