All about water 25
Scene from life in the Backwaters.
Restaurant and Ice Cream available day and night if you have a boat.
All about water 25
Scene from life in the Backwaters.
Restaurant and Ice Cream available day and night if you have a boat.
Jürgen Divina 29/05/2020 18:55
Wasser ist Leben... Um zu überleben braucht es ein Restaurant und ein Eis ;-) Sehr schöne Street-Szene, landestypisch, aber eben mal nicht bunt. Gut so.Viele Grüße, Jürgen
Adele D. Oliver 27/05/2020 0:35
a popular place and an inviting capture of it !!warm regards,
Carlo.Pollaci 26/05/2020 20:44
Magnificent reportage.Best wishes
Gelo Charro 26/05/2020 17:27
Bueno....este, no es un mal momento....