Alleviation of mind Foto % Immagini| portrait, autoportrait, people Foto su fotocommunity
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Dragomir Vukovic 06/03/2011 10:57
excellentInez Correia Marques 29/01/2011 21:23
Absolutly Superb. My compliments. you are a very wonderful player .A great artist. Your work is done with SOUL .I love itBravo
Anna Asp 21/01/2011 11:43
Stunning clarity and light. The subtle reflected light and well-balanced contrast really make this portrait shine!Vera Shulga 16/01/2011 7:39
very nice(but sad) portrait.Ilidio Fernandes 14/01/2011 15:01
I can feel the sadness , great portrait.hrishikesh thakur 14/01/2011 13:05
excellent shot ! excellent B/W !aleci 14/01/2011 0:14
your welcome Chito!Chito Beach 14/01/2011 0:01
this is quite a moving portrait, thanks for sharing