Ammmmm... Foto % Immagini| animals, wildlife, birds Foto su fotocommunity
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† Carlos Valcarcel 01/06/2012 21:55
Magníficaj.a.j.jansen m. 23/12/2010 17:41
Yasser Metwally 10/12/2010 21:10
Supernokk 17/11/2010 16:33
excellent!great capture!!!
all my appreciation!
Northbound 15/11/2010 23:06
That's when a split second makes all the difference and the photographer's patience is duly rewarded.Fine shot!
E. T. 15/11/2010 21:10
Fantastisch die Schärfe; und im richtigen Moment abgedrückt! Kompliment!VG E. T.
Vera Shulga 15/11/2010 20:36
GREAT photo!CsomorLászló 15/11/2010 20:05
JNChatelain 15/11/2010 18:22
Excellent action photography!!!!!JNC
MAURICE CLEGG 15/11/2010 17:35
top class.inspirational.
regards, maurice.
vjdj 15/11/2010 17:06
An excellent shot!!! Greetings, vjHorst Linscheid 15/11/2010 15:50
Glückwunsch zu diesem tollen Foto.Gruß Horst