An Evening in Bonn,..
..from the Maritim Hotel, a view of the Post Tower and city lights.
Quiet moment late one night. Enjoy.
An Evening in Bonn,..
..from the Maritim Hotel, a view of the Post Tower and city lights.
Quiet moment late one night. Enjoy.
katy taylor 30/05/2009 1:53
mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhh great light!!!!!!!Riccardo Sanchini 04/12/2008 8:00
Nice shot.Great .Riccardohoerbie 18/11/2008 16:04
I love it.Hoerbie
Robert L. Roux 01/11/2008 20:33
the colours are superb -a beautiful nighttime city landscape ...
northern greetings
Abenteuerland 31/10/2008 21:31
+++ !LG Jana
poldie243 24/10/2008 22:29
hello, greats Nightpics ,god Color and Sharpgreatings from Austria
einfach Nicole... 23/10/2008 21:56
I like Nightpics....and this is very nice :-)
fine sentiment
Petra Schiller 20/10/2008 23:12
Bonn... soso... Du bist hier gewesen, schön sieht es aus, lg Petra† Monika Jennrich 20/10/2008 22:11
Moin Wayne,eine sehr schöne Nachtaufnahme mit diesen strahlenden, bunten Lichtern!
Lieben Gruß Monika.
Elke D. 20/10/2008 18:51
Eine wunderbare, faszinierende Ansicht.Die Stimmung von Stadt und Himmel sind wie eine Komposition
Lieben Gruß Elke
Martin Tschupp 20/10/2008 12:18
coolGrüessli Martin
mlle Sol 20/10/2008 11:43
Looks calm, I like these different colours in lights.//Sol
Fotoulle 20/10/2008 11:36
Compliment 4 this Picture.Very nice.
LG Fotoulle