Around Midnight
...of the 31th Dicember...
Thanks to Silvana W.
for the proposal
Thanks to everybody for vote
Around Midnight
...of the 31th Dicember...
Thanks to Silvana W.
for the proposal
Thanks to everybody for vote
Rainer Pastari 30/06/2012 23:50
Congratulations to the new star. I also like the image.Greetings from the Kaiserstuhl.
Gratuliere zum neuen Stern. Mir gefällt das Bild auch.
Grüße vom Kaiserstuhl
marlin1950 26/06/2012 9:24
Superb composition +++++Silvana W. 25/06/2012 14:58
Congratulations to both ¡¡¡**.I,m very happy ;i t,s a great work***Hugs ¡*
Thank you so much to all by to participate ¡ :- )))
Gundi N. 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
+ando fuchs 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
+Franco Cutroni 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
PRORUFFINI SILVANO 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
proJValentina 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
+Surrealia 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
***Elfriede de Leeuw 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
very goodguvo4 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
+Anca Silvia B. 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
proPaula C 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
pro+++JURAFR 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto
+++Icare Daidalos 24/06/2012 15:45 Commento di voto