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Augen-Blicke (friday is pizza day)

Augen-Blicke (friday is pizza day)

1.054 9

Frederick Mann

Premium (World), Wuppertal-Arrenberg

Augen-Blicke (friday is pizza day)

Standing at the counter.. eyes wandering (every week)

Augen-Blicke (seen but not seen everyday by the people who live here)
Augen-Blicke (seen but not seen everyday by the people who live here)
Frederick Mann

Commenti 9

  • Frederick Mann 09/09/2007 10:19

    @Bineta F ... yes.. that was intended (well it happens to be the reality of the moment) ... (I actually shot about 50 pictures of this scene on two different friday's with various settings.. till I found that this one was closest to my intentions) ... and... yes.. we have the question of sehgewohnheiten und warhnehmung ... (I wear glasses ... reading glasses for near 2.75 and weaker reading glassed for far 1.5) and well.. my eyes hardly ever see so sharply as a camera.

    so it's my experience (while waiting for my greek pizza baker to take the marifa torte out of his oven) my eyes wander ... over his artifical flowers, his greek decor ...the price list up on the wall... vaguely.. never really focusing anywhere... while small talking)

    this ritual usually happens every friday (not when I'm in my dear Zeeland) .. I became aware of this .. and of course.. had to (try to) fotograf it....

    (I tried to make a long story short)

    and now
    what about sehgewohnheiten oder wahrnehmungen?
  • Bineta 09/09/2007 9:32

    A blurred view?
    Is that intentionally?
  • Sigrid nordlicht in der pfalz 08/09/2007 19:28

    ekelfleisch mt plastikblumen zum verlieben schön abgelichtet !!
  • Alexandra Baltog 07/09/2007 11:58

    anyway...good appetite! ;-)
  • Frederick Mann 07/09/2007 11:38

    @Elfie .. well yes.. that's true... but my eyes do wander, alot, (gathering usless information) while the pizza is in the oven ... (I think all imbiss's in germany have Döner now)


    @Alexandra .. .when my eyes so wander (nonchalantly and noncommitally).. they don't focus well, collecting useless infomation .. (besides, I usually don't have my gasses on, till I pay for the pizza's ... a Margheriita und El Greco for €6.40)

  • DSK 07/09/2007 11:27

    Aber das ist nicht Pizza
    das ist Döner
    Gute Fotographie
    ..............kommt denn noch die Pizza????????

    Ich glaub ich will jetzt auch Pizza;-)

    LG & Schönes Weekend
  • Anni R. 07/09/2007 11:23

    na dann guten appetit :-)
  • Alexandra Baltog 07/09/2007 11:06

    good taste ...hmmm... interesting subject ...lol... ( a little bit out of focus? )
  • E-Punkt 07/09/2007 11:06

    sieht aber mehr nach Döner aus.....
    und zum Essen Blumen auf den Tisch...
    so useless finde ich die Information
    nun auch wieder nicht...
    schönes Foto.
    Lg. Elfi