Aus dem Karton - from the old shoebox 3: Visit another world (reload)
Teilentsättigt, ein Versuch
Partially desaturated, only trying.
Alter Londoner Doppeldeckerbus vor Bush-House, der alten Zentrale des "BBC-World-Service", 1997, Scan vom Dia
Old style double-decker in front of Bush-House, the old home of "BBC-World-Service", 1997, Scan from transparency
(Ich dachte gerade, dass ich es so eigentlich lieber mag...)
(Just thought, I like it better like that...)
Inez Correia Marques 05/03/2008 23:19
hehehehe!!lovely ! i think sometimes this dimention is just like in the film the Matrix. Reality is actualy the "other" world...
very good photo! i love the B&W
background so much!
Art light photography by p.D. 02/03/2008 19:48
Hier gefällt mir der Bildschnitt besonders . Klasse gemacht.glg.peter