ok......hier ist Version 2......bitte danke :-)
Highdown Fair from Angelo Branduardi
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
Along came a grey cat and ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
Along came a grey cat and ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
Along came a black dog and jumped on the grey cat
Who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
Along came an old stick and beat off the black dog
Who jumped on the grey cat who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
Along came a fire and burnt up the old stick
Which beat off the black dog that jumped on the grey cat
Who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
Along came sweet water and put out the fire
Which burnt up the old stick which beat off the black dog
That jumped on the grey cat who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
Along came a great ox and drunk all the water
Which put out the fire which burnt up the old stick
Which beat off the black dog that jumped on the grey cat
Who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
Along came a butcher and slaughtered the great ox
Which drunk all the water which put out the fire
Which burnt up the old stick which beat off the black dog
That jumped on the grey cat who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
And the angel of death came by for the butcher
Who slaughtered the great ox which drunk all the water
Which put out the fire which burnt up the old stick
Which beat off the black dog that jumped on the grey cat
Who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
And last came the lord, who threw down the angel
Who came for the butcher, who slaughtered the great ox
Which drunk all the water which put out the fire
Which burnt up the old stick which beat off the black dog
That jumped on the grey cat who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
And last came the lord, who threw down the angel
Who came for the butcher, who slaughtered the great ox
Which drunk all the water which put out the fire
Which burnt up the old stick which beat off the black dog
That jumped on the grey cat who ate up the white mouse
My father bought in the market square
At Highdown fair for two farthings
My father bought me a little white mouse
soooo kann das Leben sein.......
La foto non si trova in discussione. Per questo in questo momento non può essere commentata.
Andi L. 28/10/2008 23:01
ok......hab ich verstanden.......werd ich beachten....† Irmhild Engel.s 28/10/2008 22:59
wenn du dir die Bilder von den richtig "Guten" ansiehst, wirst du feststellen, dass sie alle das gleiche Format haben (ausgenommen Quadrate)und zwar normalerweise das Format, das die Kamera ausgibt
wenn du also schneidest (mit PS) kannst du oben bei Breite 30 cm angeben und bei Höhe 20 cm (mit cm dahinter)
dann wird das Format, das rauskommt, wieder "echt"
aber du schneidest dann auch an der Länge und der Breite, und wenn das nicht gelingt, stimmt bei dem Foto meist was grundsätzlich nicht
wenn du den Bildausschnitt gut gewählt hast, musst du gar nicht oder nur wenig schneiden
Andi L. 28/10/2008 22:53
danke Irmhild....das iss jetz mal ne ganz neue Herausforderung für mich.
ich mach zur Zeit fast alles mit dem Weitwinkel.....da kommts dann schon mal vor, das es mir hier und da zu viel an Nebel drauf ist, oder wie bei diesem Bild eine "unpassende" Straße mit drauf ist.......
hab das selbständige beschneiden bisher immer sehr gut gefunden.......
ok, die Bilder haben nicht immer die selbe größe, aber im es so wie ich es zeigen will
Wenn ich dich recht verstehe soll ich drauf achten, das die Bilder in Länge und Breite am besten immer gleich sind........klär mich bitte auf wenn ich falsch liege. :-)
† Irmhild Engel.s 28/10/2008 22:38
der Bildaufbau gefällt mir sehr gutund die Nebelstimmung sowieso
was mich an deinen letzten Bildern stört ist das Format: sie sind alle beliebig zurechtgeschnitten
entweder du fotografierst den Ausschnitt gleich so, dass Schneiden nicht mehr nötig ist
oder du schneidest im Bildformat, bei Nikon also im 2:3
dann wirken die Bilder "echter"
Hannelore Ehrich 28/10/2008 15:48
huh, so trist. Und soooo ein langes Gedicht, das ich nicht lesen kann. Aber das Bild wirkt mit der Perspektive und der Beleuchtung. HanniMira S. 28/10/2008 12:47
Genau mein Stil, guuuut !Rahmen ?? ;-)) hmm
Gruß Marion
FalkoS 28/10/2008 8:58
Ich mag so etwas