Back in The U.S.S.A
I often forget that there is a broader view point of America, than just by Americans. He was from an area of conflict in Africa, and now lives in Milano. He took his life trade to amore fashionable look. Now he has MacDonald friesand the American dreaming a blue jean jacket and torn American Flag. Its fashion, a rare moment when man can make a statement about his likes and dislikes and be cool at the same time.
fotovoltaik 06/03/2014 23:54
You have choosen a funny title for this portrait. Really good.Markus
Carlo.Pollaci 24/02/2014 21:39
Superb street!Lene Thomsen 24/02/2014 0:02
nice :-)regards
adriana lissandrini 23/02/2014 23:15
Excellent portrait very well set, always great is your b / wciao, Adriana
Adele D. Oliver 23/02/2014 22:58
great street portrait .... you captured his proud expression well, Glenn !!!greetings, Adele
mohane 23/02/2014 20:01
..have a good back to home, indeed!(maybe you want to shoot the man or the young girls behind this typical american guy....)
JOKIST 23/02/2014 19:02
Eine höchst gelungene Aufnahme !LG Ingrid und Hans
Photographix by Moni 23/02/2014 18:11
Great Street-Portrait!!!Ursi67 23/02/2014 16:05
Wonderful!! greets