2.210 3

Halldór Gudlaugsson

Free Account, Søndersø

Bad luck

Greating to M. Krüger!

Commenti 3

  • Cees Kuijs 20/06/2005 9:41

    Nice picture. Well done.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Marcel Krüger 20/06/2005 8:29

    LOL ... oh oh! I assume that was his last haystack! :-)
    Now I have a bad conscience: I didn't even check the other side of my haystack... who knows ...
  • Charles Fowler 20/06/2005 4:05

    Hi Halldor, that is funny. Right now the farmers in the area are rolling hay... so, when traveling around the area this photo going to be on my mind. Nice photo.
