BALANCING - Between Fall and Winter
Sunday on our bicycle ride I saw this little girl walking on a log on the beach at English Bay - she was enjoying herself on this dreary day
BALANCING - Between Fall and Winter
Sunday on our bicycle ride I saw this little girl walking on a log on the beach at English Bay - she was enjoying herself on this dreary day
Andreas Hanner 04/01/2009 13:55
You allways hit my heart with images like this.Gruss Andreas
Canan Oner 23/11/2008 17:00
Lovely composition Adele..A lot to see but not crowded..peaceful instead..Much hugs,
DRAGA PUC 22/11/2008 22:21
doensn't matter winter sprig summer or fall.......
Deryck 20/11/2008 19:55
Excellent shot! I love the clarity you achievedhere
adriano j faria 19/11/2008 23:55
Its realy a fine composition....and i like the title wishes.
Ilidio Fernandes 19/11/2008 23:52
Wonderful as Pozer said 2 different worlds. Great capture.Pozer Katalin 19/11/2008 22:58
It seems to be 2 in 1 pics. Two different world.Good capture.
Fons van Swaal 19/11/2008 16:06
Beautiful shot Adele.......Compliments,
Andrea Sagawe 19/11/2008 13:26
Excellent composition with a good depth. Love the title.andrea
Mark Billiau. 19/11/2008 11:28
Well spotted, Adele.Good compo, great title.
Well done !
Stangaphoto 19/11/2008 10:51
Very nice, love the compo.Gr. Stan
Pascal Viyer 19/11/2008 10:29
Excellent indecision !!p^v
Jörg-Bierwirth 19/11/2008 8:01
Ein sehr schönes Bild. Die Perspektive unterstreicht den Gegensatz zwischen dem in sich versunkenen Kind und dem tristen Umfeld.Gruß Jörg
Frederick Mann 19/11/2008 7:50
v e r y good (perspective picture)