Baldrian (the greater)
ummmmm... how can I say it ... diplomatically ... he's well rounded ... or he's a big cat? which is better?
(just because he's a member of weight watchers doesn't mean he is .... ahhhhh... you know what I mean)
Galina Toktalieva 27/01/2008 13:26
It is curious about something. Nice!Frederick Mann 25/01/2008 13:28
@E-Punkt ... he is always alert then he thinks about food.
E-Punkt 25/01/2008 13:08
Die Schlaftablette Baldrian is very alert.LG Elfi
DSK 25/01/2008 10:29
cuteDaniela Gulda 25/01/2008 9:06
klasse PerspektiveLG Daniela
redfox-dream-art-photography 25/01/2008 0:43
Das ist ja genial!!!Corry DeLaan 24/01/2008 22:12
For me a big cat!Great :-)
Greetings, Corry
Frederick Mann 24/01/2008 17:54
@Stino ... the answer to your question is: FOOD
† Ute K. 24/01/2008 17:48
wonderful big eyes ... what is he looking for, food or friend?here you're ;o)
Yours Truly 24/01/2008 16:46
Well, why not say it this way: "He's not a bloody lightweight but a really impressive cat."Sounds better, doesn't it?
Cheers, Claus
Marit Wachtler 24/01/2008 14:52
super PerspektiveIlidio Fernandes 24/01/2008 14:18
I like it too, great shot.Frederick Mann 24/01/2008 13:07
@Gudrun ... oh my yes he does ... he also understands 4 languages English, German, Niederländish and Wiskas (the latter best of all)
Gudrun Raatschen 24/01/2008 12:59
I'm sure your cat will appreciate your diplomatic words! :-)LG Gudrun
Lady Bathory 24/01/2008 12:21
sehr interessante Aufnahme..