Ball Toss
Taken at a dance studio and added other elements.
canon 20D, Photoshop CS2
Ball Toss
Taken at a dance studio and added other elements.
canon 20D, Photoshop CS2
Siren Siren 12/04/2006 9:16
very nice!!!!Susi Lawson Susi 11/02/2006 21:31
Thank you so much for the supportive comments!Jeff Burgess 11/02/2006 21:11
Uplifting. Great color and filtering. This type of work is what I love about digital editing of photos. You start with something quite ordinary and make it extraordinary! Again, quite nice.Dennis Veldman 11/02/2006 21:01
really pretty..i like what you do susi!
Susi Lawson Susi 11/02/2006 20:42
Thank you so much Claudia! I love your work as well!Claudia Robinson Cnell 11/02/2006 15:03
images like this and the other one make me want to stop playing around and get to work! the thing i love about you is you go the extra mile and it shows in your work.Sergio Pessolano 11/02/2006 13:14
Lovely work.