Banister Foto % Immagini| architecture, cityscape, subjects Foto su fotocommunity
Banister Foto & Immagine di Katalin Kiszály ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
nice shot ... actually i'd moved the camera a little bit to the right to move away the shaddow just a bit from the frame ... but this is just a peanut ... ;-)
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Sergio Pessolano 19/01/2006 0:11
Great eye: very refined composition.Dirk Hofmann 15/01/2006 13:30
nice shot ... actually i'd moved the camera a little bit to the right to move away the shaddow just a bit from the frame ... but this is just a peanut ... ;-)