Bar-headed Goose (2)
The bar-headed goose is a goose that breeds in Central Asia in colonies of thousands near mountain lakes and migrates over the Himalayas to spend the winter in parts of South Asia.
The bar-headed goose is one of the world's highest-flying birds, having been seen flying across Mount Everest (8848m) and Mount Makalu (8481m).
In the 18th century, this goose has been introduced by man in Canada and Spain and feral populations of this species have been established in several European countries as a result of specimen that escaped from captivity.
Between 20 and 25 breeding pairs are thought to be present in Belgium and a breeding population is also known in Finland.
Those feral populations are believed to be declining in Europe due to over-hunting
Dutch name : Indische gans (ook Streepkopgans genoemd)
German name : Streifengans (auch Indische Gans genannt)
Latin name : Anser indicus
K.-H.Schulz 02/09/2018 20:38
Sehr gut gemachtWir sind wieder da
hans-jakob 02/09/2018 19:49
Klasse Portrait!!!LG hans-jakob
Angelika El. 02/09/2018 13:41
Auch in dieser feinen, gelungenen Nahaufnahme kommt die Schönheit dieser Ganz wunderbar zur Geltung! LG! a.Robert Schüller 01/09/2018 14:59
The beautiful colors make the wonderful bird portrait perfect, Mark.A. Lötscher -Bergjäger- 01/09/2018 12:20
Ein perfektes seitliches Portrait!!LG Andy
Bernhard Kuhlmann 01/09/2018 11:47
Super, habe ich in der Natur so noch nicht gesehen !Gruß Bernd
Harold Thompson 01/09/2018 9:52
Good closeup of the goose showing the marking well:-)) Harold
Adele D. Oliver 01/09/2018 0:08
excellent closeness showing all her details so sharply ... greatlight too and a nice bokeh .... fine work !!!
warm regards,
archiek 31/08/2018 21:13
A super close up portrait of this Goose. Very nicely done!Regards, Archie
Axel Sand 31/08/2018 20:53
A great capture, good Job.Gruß Axel
Manu T. 31/08/2018 19:36
Excellent in all
Traudel Clemens 31/08/2018 19:22
Toll aufgenommen und jedes Zähnchen der Gans ist zu erkennen.LG Traudel
emen49 31/08/2018 18:05
Tolle Profilaufnahme - ein starker Anblick!Viele Grüße
† Reinhard S 31/08/2018 18:04
A beautiful goose!Best peresonal regards, Reinhard
aline64 31/08/2018 17:47
impressionnant ce détail du bec !!!!!amicalement