Beach Love sunset view
What's more after arriving at our destination, a stretch of blue sea with its calm nature welcomed our arrival there.
The Beach Love is located in the middle of a cliff that is not too high which is its attraction and uniqueness.What's more after arriving at your destination, a stretch of blue sea with its calm nature welcomes your arrival here. The Beach Love Kedungu is located in the middle of a cliff that is not too high which is its attraction and uniqueness.
photorolandi 03/07/2022 16:12
Beautiful viewGesendet vom iPhone via fotocommunity App
Herbert Rulf 22/05/2022 0:26
Ein wunderbarer Platz. So sollte jeder Tag zu Ende gehen.Täusche ich mich oder kippt der Horizont ?
LG, Herbert
Ralf Melchert 21/05/2022 18:30
Ganz wunderbar