Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Beauty Competition

We came upon a group of wild turkeys - the males were strutting, they were gobbling, they were making an awful lot of noise and not standing still for a second. Mating Time!!! One hen finally got pinned down to the ground by her suitor, he standing on top of her, she screaming - and her head being picked at by other females. A pretty cruel affair !!!!
Again, taken on Saltspring Island.
Thank you for all your visits and kind comments, dear friends!!!

Commenti 27


Cartelle Animals, Birds etc.
Visto da 1.234


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 3.5
Tempo di esposizione 1/160
Distanza focale 72.0 mm
ISO 100