"Before The Dawn" Foto % Immagini| asia, middle east, azerbaijan aserbaidschan Foto su fotocommunity
"Before The Dawn" Foto & Immagine di Andi von Osborn ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Whau is this really before the dawn time ? Very nice night view from renovated hotel ? car parking along the main street looks like eternal. Interesting i thought in inight time there is not car parking close to paving.
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Andi von Osborn 23/04/2007 18:39
@ Kai,letztes Jahr im September/Oktober.
Kai W. 21/04/2007 10:15
Boah, wann warste da denn??LG Kai
Kenny Jazz 12/04/2007 8:15
Whau is this really before the dawn time ? Very nice night view from renovated hotel ? car parking along the main street looks like eternal. Interesting i thought in inight time there is not car parking close to paving.VikingerWølf 03/04/2007 20:48
So eine hab ich auch fotografiert. Sehr schön gemacht!! Toll mit den Lichter ;-))Lg Annar (Wolf)