Beijing, November 04 Foto % Immagini| asia, china, east asia Foto su fotocommunity
Beijing, November 04 Foto & Immagine di Sune Wendelboe ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Thanks for your kind remarks! The picture was shot in a hurry as a soldier apporached me shouting "no more Pixas!" Perhaps the shadows could've been softened by a reflector, but I doubt I would've be able to display it then ;-)
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Heribert Stahl 15/01/2006 10:51
another Point of View...;-)
Sune Wendelboe 16/12/2004 10:10
Hi everybody!Thanks for your kind remarks! The picture was shot in a hurry as a soldier apporached me shouting "no more Pixas!" Perhaps the shadows could've been softened by a reflector, but I doubt I would've be able to display it then ;-)
M.G.. 15/12/2004 23:03
Schade schade, war ja ein eher knapperes Ergebniss.M.G.. 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
Dickes Pro!Th. Wieland 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
proHerbert Rulf 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
proKlaus F. 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
++ewaldmario 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
ich wünsche dir,dass die voter die symbolhaftigkeit zu schätzen wissen ...
Stefan Siemers 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
PROGabi Dilly 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
proRudi Herrmann 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
proRainer Switala 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
prooooooooooooooRüdiger Kautz 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
P R O !Thomas Solecki² 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
proGünter Rolf 15/12/2004 22:52 Commento di voto
es würde die galerie aufwerten.