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Berlin Places [#5]

Berlin Places [#5]

1.688 1

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Berlin Places [#5]

The Invalid´s Cemetery (German: "Invalidenfriedhof") is one of the oldest and historic cemeteries in Berlin. Some famous military "war heroes" like Scharnhorst (battle against Napoleon), von Richthofen and Udet (fighter pilot aces of WW I) are buried here.

During the "Cold War" the Berlin Wall run through this place and a remnant of the inner rear wall still exists to remind visitors and citizens of Berlin of the terrible time of partition.

And so there are other mostly unknown men to commemorate:

Peter Göring
Walter Heike
Paul Stretz
Heinz Schmidt

They died at this place trying to find freedom on the other side of the wall.

Berlin, November 2011

Berlin Places [#1]
Berlin Places [#1]
Matthias Moritz

Berlin Places [#2]
Berlin Places [#2]
Matthias Moritz

Berlin Places [ #3]
Berlin Places [ #3]
Matthias Moritz

Berlin Places [#4]
Berlin Places [#4]
Matthias Moritz

end of this series

Commenti 1

  • Klaus Kieslich 22/11/2011 21:10

    Is schon irgend wie komisch,einer der nicht in dieser Gegend zu Hause, ist macht einen" Einheimischen" auf die Geschichte dieses Friedhofes aufmerksam
    Gruß Klaus