Bimbi del Mali-1
Missione umanitaria nel Mali
di Elisabetta, prima che la
guerra civile devastasse
il paese
Chewa proverb
Nthawi ya kwana, fumbi ndi mwini
Kanthu ndi nkhama, phwiti anakwata njiwa
(The time is now, the dust is yours,
Anything (can be achieved) with effort,
The sparrow married the dove)
redfox-dream-art-photography 05/09/2019 22:21
Wonderful children.Even though they are poor they seem to be happy and satisfied.....
Very nice and touching capture!!!!
hugs, redfox
Pierre LAVILLE 15/03/2013 20:51
Jolie photo de voyage.+++++++++++++++
Amitiés Pierre
lolita cecilia 10/03/2013 22:07
¡¡ Triste immagine di questi bambini...!!!!¡¡ Nonostante tutti i sorrisi ...!!!!!
Un abbraccio caro Cesare
Petespecial 10/03/2013 16:21
Jambo abari, (suaheli) Hallo wie geht´s?Tolle Aufnahme...
lg pete