-breaking glass-
an der glasscheibe: model jeanne obscurité
weltbeste bildbearbeitung: der boschdi
übrigens herr boschdi: ich freu mich auf den vhs-kurs, prima idee!!! bin allerdings eher so der-einzelunterricht-typ.
In the alone of my night,
When the angels have all taken flight,
Monsters come out fighting
No need to Fight if I can talk,
No need to run,
If all I need to do,
is walk on the path enlightening.
An` I will go where life leads me,
`Though the road be far, and wide
Through the broken dreams of yesterday,
With time on my side,
And with faith as my guide,
I will,
Walk on to, though I,
Don`t know where I am going to,
To find my way back home at last.
Yeah I`m gonna walk on, walk on,
When I`m crumbled and cracked,
Walk on, Walk on,
Won`t be lookin` back, in anger,
Walk on beyond the broken glass.
And in the mornin` of my day,
I send the monsters on their merry way,
I celebrate their leavin`
An` of the lost, and of the gain,
An` of the joy, and of the pain,
And I tell Ya, yeah i`m still a believer.
An` I will go where life leads me,
`Though the road be far, an wide
Through the broken dreams of yesterday,
With time on my side,
And with faith as my guide,
-hazel o connor: breaking glass-
lucretzia 24/02/2007 0:39
@mel: tja...stille wasser.....;-)@svenja: daraus wird leider nix!
@boschdi: bin ja unterwegs....
Lycilia-Art 23/02/2007 10:55
klasse. ... :) wunderschön ^^..will auch Einzelunterricht... lach
Der Boschdi 22/02/2007 23:41
@melder boschdi freut sich...
aeussert sich manchmal bissi komisch -. is abba so
Der Boschdi 22/02/2007 23:22
ohh ich mag das soo FRAU rubberbooteinzelunterricht??
komm du mir mal HEIM!!!
dann kriegste dein einzelunterricht :-))
MiSs DeAdLy 22/02/2007 20:17
schöööön :)Rahada - on pluto 22/02/2007 19:24
links die Wand ist gut, nur etwas dominant,ansonsten wie immer gute Modellwahl
und schick in Szene gesetzt,