Brocoli tree Foto % Immagini| africa, southern africa, namibia Foto su fotocommunity
Brocoli tree Foto & Immagine di Martin Allaire ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Excellent. It is called a quiver tree in Southern Africa. Well used by the local San tribes to make quivers from their hollow branches. This is a very big one and very beautiful
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Deryck 14/09/2008 22:38
Excellent. It is called a quiver tree in Southern Africa. Well used by the local San tribes to make quivers from their hollow branches. This is a very big one and very beautifulDeryck
Monique LEROUDIER 22/08/2008 16:25
Ya ! .... Yes ! ...+++++++++++++++++++++++ ;-)) ML
Ludek Sagi Lukac 09/02/2008 19:51
perfect !Sagi :-)
Gazp . 09/02/2008 6:05
*+*Francesco Liberti 08/02/2008 23:43