3.730 1

By the Way

I'm not about to say that windows future
is against a wall... but surely fighting
against pirates everywhere

I'm not about to say - that I saw things
that hyou man could not even imagines...

I'm not about to say.
I'm about to photograph!

And what is photography
after ice melted down...
after glowing memoryes
after all?

glance of beauty
killler of the road
solipsistic fancy
of a brand new

Commenti 1

  • Stefano Ventucci 08/01/2007 19:10

    ehm... could be... yes! could be!
    Foreseeing future is a philosopher's best hobby!
    The "bild" is just made of two layers differently modified.
    The "dichtung" is plenty of outer referrences to other photos of mine. That's why is rather hard to pick up immediatly the meaning...
    Or maybe I was just too stoned to write anything that make sense! ;)

    Vielen danke fuer deine Anmerkung!