Canada_91 Foto % Immagini| architektur, north america, canada Foto su fotocommunity
Canada_91 Foto & Immagine di Peter Schillmeier ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
an excellent close view at these intricate
interior details with architecture, paintings
and glass magnificent ... beautifully shown,
and always great to see another image from
my country !!!
warm regards,
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Ilse Bartels 19/08/2020 16:36
Perfekte Aufnahme .Ich bin begeistert von dieser Schönheit.Herzliche Grüße
Mark Billiau. 19/08/2020 12:01
Well exposed capture of this striking church interior !!Benita Sittner 18/08/2020 19:19 bin total von dieser Innenansicht der Basilika begeistert....Dein Foto ist super gelungen....VLG BenitaAdele D. Oliver 18/08/2020 19:10
an excellent close view at these intricateinterior details with architecture, paintings
and glass magnificent ... beautifully shown,
and always great to see another image from
my country !!!
warm regards,
Vitória Castelo Santos 18/08/2020 17:27
Ein sehr starkes Bild!LG Vitoria