Castelvetrano Moda _ IV
Sicily 2016
Model: Rossella Marrone
Ag.: G&B Eventi, Trapani
Fashion house: Mary Spose
Location: Hstorical center of Castelvetrano
Castelvetrano Moda _ IV
Sicily 2016
Model: Rossella Marrone
Ag.: G&B Eventi, Trapani
Fashion house: Mary Spose
Location: Hstorical center of Castelvetrano
Thomas Heartfelt 27/04/2016 14:46
hi Carlo,Bellissimo :)
A great model shot with a lot of street to it.
Greetings, Thomas
Adele D. Oliver 25/04/2016 3:45
a fine portrait of that self-assured looking woman fitting beautifully into her surroundings !!!hugs, Adele
isabella bertoldo 24/04/2016 21:50
Deve essere stata una bella sfilata..viste le modelle!!!Mi piace molto Carlo!Alfredo Spagnoli 24/04/2016 11:35
Ottimo scatto in un ottimo Bianco e NeroComplimenti Carlo
Saluti, Alfredo