7.121 43 Galleria

Goran Stamenkovic

Free Account, Basaid - Kikinda

Commenti 43

  • MIROSLAV JOVANOVIKJ 17/12/2011 18:41

    Fantastic Still-life photography!
    Best Regards, Miroslav...
  • Kasia Djdksj 18/03/2007 10:38

    I don't know how You did it, but it looks like painting, not a picture.
    congratulations :)
  • James Cook Jr 05/12/2006 1:13

    Very good composition. The tones are good as well. It may be a little crowded at the bottom. I think this will make a fine print. Congratulations on being awarded gallery for this shot.
  • Sanya Kovacheva 09/09/2006 10:24

    really fine
  • Abdul Khaliq 07/09/2006 7:51

    Cogratz Goran and Yasemin.
  • °°° celle °°° 06/09/2006 10:57

    @ yasemin i did ;-)
  • Robert Riley 06/09/2006 8:19

    Well it made it. I have to agree with Patrick here, and his comments on the voting protocol. Goran has better shots in his arsenal.
  • Klaus Buhles 06/09/2006 8:05

    br - Klaus
  • Nicole Zuber 06/09/2006 7:22 Commento di voto

  • Laki K. 06/09/2006 7:22 Commento di voto

    chill out people....

    pro for the photo
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 06/09/2006 7:22 Commento di voto

    @ Yasemin - The only "we" was in reference to "your" demands and your version of "freedom" smacks as "censorship" to me. Perhaps it is you who is acting as the self appointed "chairman" of voting protocol.

    If you wish to continue this dialogue (we) should do so by quickmail or in the forums. I'll start a thread in the member section.
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 06/09/2006 7:22 Commento di voto

    @yasemin - then following your logic, no one should be able to make any comments at all about a shot, unless by your definition, we only accept unconditional praise in the gallery voting section.
    Voting is about the photographer and their art and not the person who makes the proposal. When making a proposal you hope that people will see what you do in an image. But, that is not always the case and everyone has the right to express their reasons, should they choose to do so, just like you have the right to describe WHY you chose to propose the shot in the first place. However, you don't have the right to tell me how to think or how to express myself. I wouldn't worry though, the shot will make the gallery.
  • Geoff Ashton 06/09/2006 7:22 Commento di voto

    first i wanted to klick contra
    but after looking a long time
  • Anderl Rodoschegg 06/09/2006 7:22 Commento di voto

  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 06/09/2006 7:22 Commento di voto

    i really like this, amazing composition and lighting, the mood is terrific, a beautiful image
    bravo PRO


Visto da 7.121


Galleria (Temi)
06/09/2006 90 Pro / 10 Contra