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hrishikesh thakur 13/04/2009 13:33
+++Karl Makkina 14/12/2006 18:31
Olalaaaa !!RESPECT !!
great b&w shot, very good play with the light
excellent low key work !!
Bravo !!
Die Waldvenus 11/10/2006 18:20
ein sehr eindringlicher Blick,sauber fotografiert.Gefällt mir sehr gut++Gruß Die Waldvenus
Diana Rybakova 27/09/2006 22:36
Hi Dragos!I think that portrait one of the best you foto
Mark Johnston 30/08/2006 22:25
Good light, excellent black and white. Great work Dragos, I look forward to seeing more.Bogart 29/08/2006 15:54
very good composition, very expresiv indeed ...M ManirMrittik 06/08/2006 13:26
greate portrait!Abdul Khaliq 06/08/2006 8:01
Extremely intense potrait.S. BERG 05/08/2006 22:53
well done-but to dark???silke:-)
Cata Pg 05/08/2006 22:32
f expresiv...Ildikó ZókaDani 05/08/2006 17:57
exeedingly beautiful!