chinese girl Foto % Immagini| asia, china, east asia Foto su fotocommunity
chinese girl Foto & Immagine di Cheryl Li ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Torsten Hermann 25/04/2008 21:46
Nice picture! - The emotions of children are mostly very "unplugged" and direct. You´ve captured that very good!Robert G. Mueller 08/10/2007 10:08
Very nice portrait of this little girl. The composing of the picture is perfekt. At most i like she keep the flag of China. Your best in your page!Regards, Robert
Cheryl Li 19/09/2006 15:41
Hi Tommy. thx for the inspiration ;-)the photo was taken by the wall of the Forbidden City.
Gerontolon Müllhaupt 19/09/2006 15:20
nettes Kinderportrait!Gruß
Tommy Fujimoto 19/09/2006 11:39
GREAT! I had liked "Chinese girl" as title as it is less descriptional, but imaginary. Where did you take it?Cheers, Tommy