CONTRAST Foto % Immagini| abstraktes, flowers & animals, motive Foto su fotocommunity
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From my experience, people who don't like green and red combinations are typically people with partial color-blindness. Actually, the most popular type of color blindness is the difficulty to distiguish between shades of green and shades of red.
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Erik Feingold 29/02/2004 2:25
From my experience, people who don't like green and red combinations are typically people with partial color-blindness. Actually, the most popular type of color blindness is the difficulty to distiguish between shades of green and shades of red.Just fyi.
Herr Kœsters 28/02/2004 4:45
Grün auf Rot?Manche finden das geil, andere finden das Ihbäh.
Irgendwie ist das eines von diesen "Hardcore-Fotos", die man entweder lieben oder hassen kann...
nix für ungut...