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Commenti 4

  • panos panidis 21/04/2008 17:56

    great! only think if the light was from a different direction and not from the window. well done!!
  • Tukshums 14/04/2008 9:52

  • Forrest Oldham 14/04/2008 9:27

    "Look into my eyes..." I get the same message as Markus. If that is the message you wanted to send, then, you did well. If not, you still did well. I do not believe anyone could look at this and not have to keep looking for a longer time than most photos get. Great detail, sharpness, angle of the eyes, interesting things to look at, etc.
  • Markus Sparkus 08/04/2008 21:16

    wow - just wow

    absolutely mesmerising!!

    Mark :)