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Commenti 3

  • Elaine Liebenbaum 24/10/2004 21:54

    what a great birthday present for a photographer.
    I'd like to know more about where you live and who you are,
    why dont you write something about yourself in your profile.
    everyone here is so nosey
  • LEE ELLAMS 21/10/2004 16:31

    hi Elaine,

    I took all of the bird of prey photos at a Hawk Conservancy near where i live. As a birthday gift i was given the oppurtunity to spend the day flying different birds of prey. it gave me the oppurtunity to get up close and personal with a number of different birds & i was able to take a few sneaky photos.
  • Elaine Liebenbaum 21/10/2004 11:04

    where did you find these birds?

    absolutely fantastic, I even like the crop
    although it is very unusual.