Das Warten Im Verborgenen
They are waiting to take us into
The severed garden
Do you know how pale and wanton thrillful
Comes death on a strange hour
Unannounced, unplanned for
Like a scaring over-friendly guest you've
Brought to bed
Death makes angels of us all
And gives us wings
Where we had shoulders
Smooth as raven's
No more money, no more fancy dress
This other kingdom seems by far the best
Until it's other jaw reveals incest
And loose obedience to a vegetable law.
I will not go
Prefer a Feast of Friends
To the Giant Family.
Ich benutze selten Worte von anderen; hier hab ich´s getan......man möge mir verzeihen.
Auszug aus "A Feast Of Friends"- The Doors
StephAny 25/07/2011 16:37
ja, das ist geschmackssache. Die Bearbeitung stammt vom Fotografen, der mag es so groß und schwarz....anscheinend.Claudy B. 25/07/2011 16:35
des Rahmens hätte es nicht bedurft...das Bild selbst ist sehr schön...!